Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Articles - Essay Example The penalties also apply to cases of full time employees only. Amount of cover may also vary across industries and penalties for non-compliance are lower than coverage costs. The policy therefore has strength of establishing minimum requirements for employer coverage but it lacks strong mechanisms for enforcement. It is however likely to promote employer coverage because of the legal environment and employers’ need for a positive image (Wojcik, 2013). The authors define managed care as a set of initiatives for organizing, managing, implementing, and evaluating care that targets a specific group. The care approach eliminates duplication of care initiatives and reduces cost of care. In addition, managed care focuses needs to ensure delivery of appropriate services at the right time. Changes in the legal and technological environment has however complicated the scope of care and led to development of managed care model. The model identifies possible interactions between factors to care provision and advocates for management so that all factors to care support each other. In addition, the model focuses on the patient and incorporates all stakeholders and environmental factors, and their potential influences on care delivery. The managed care and the model have the strength of focusing on the patients for efficient and effective care but face the challenge of complexity because of the numerous involved factors. It however offers an op portunity for improved care (Linsley and Morton,

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Chemical Engineering design of a operation unit Essay - 1

Chemical Engineering design of a operation unit - Essay Example In chemical engineering, unit operation is the basic step in any separation process. Unit operation involves initiation of physical changes such as evaporation, crystallization, filtration, and separation among other physical processes. This paper involves a design of one operation unit for CO2 adsorption from flue gas of power plant. The adsorption process would make use of activated carbon, a source mainly from fuel substances in the mining industry, and it will be based on physical adsorption mechanism. Physical adsorption involves electrostatic attractive interaction of opposite charges and the idea of weak Van der Waals forces. It is chosen over chemisorption process because it uses lower enthalpy of adsorption, which is between 8-20 kJ mol-1 against 40-800 kJ mol-1 for chemisorptions. While activation energy in chemisorptions is small, it is zero for the physical process. Another factor considered is the low temperature of occurrence in physical adsorption, which depends on boiling point. Physical adsorption also allows the application of more than one layer that is adsorbed while chemisorption allows the chance of only one layer. Flue gas can be obtained from the combustion of a petroleum fuel such kerosene. The capture of carbon dioxide from power stations has increasingly become a key issue in research. CO2 separation is a benefit to the chemical industry, where CO2 is used for many purposes such as the production of methanol, urea, metal bicarbonates and carbonates. The concern on the production of CO2 is enhanced by the issue of global warming. Various capture approaches are typically applicable (Hicks et al. 2008). These approaches include membranes, cryogenic, absorption, and adsorption among other approaches. In this paper, adsorption process is used as the preferred approach in the gas separation process. Adsorption process of carbon dioxide gas